As with many things, printing involves a process. Each step builds upon the preceding one and all are equally important in ensuring a successful end product. Snyder Printer provides first-rate pre-press services.
Snyder Printer is a certified G7 print provider which means that our proof to press calibration passes all IDEAlliance standards, with required recertification each and every year.
We examine client supplied files to determine that graphics are laid out to the proper specification, dieline, or template. We also confirm that all fonts and graphics have been provided and are properly linked. If any of these items are missing or are incorrect, we notify the client before we proceed. Customer alterations and corrective measures can be done upon request in a timely manner for a reasonable charge.
Adobe Acrobat PDF “soft proofs” are e-mailed to the client for Preliminary Approval. Clients can also use our "View a Proof" section of our website to approve a PDF. These PDF proofs are not for color accuracy, but are best suited for checking content. It is the client’s responsibility to review the PDF and e-mail back either changes or approval for the output of full-size digital color proofs.
Full-sized digital color proofs are available and are generated and submitted to the client for Final Approval. We offer 2 different digital proofs.
Epson 9600 - 360/720 dpi double sided proofs to create an imposed, cut and folder sample of your project. This type of proof is to be used for pagination and content proofing only NOT FOR COLOR. This proofing system is not color calibrated to our press equipment.
Epson 9880 - 720 dpi high res proof provides an accurate representation of the final printed piece. This proofing system is color calibrated to our press equipment. Again, it is the client’s responsibility to review the proof content and color. Once approved, the project will be outputted to printing plates and printing.
Clients can also schedule a Press Check to view a project on press while it is printing. Please call or e-mail us for details.